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Questions for Couples: Animals

Today's topic: Animals.
Do you like animals?
Are you afraid of any? Spiders? Snakes? Dogs? Mongoose?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have strong feelings towards cats? Dogs? Rodents?
Would you ever own a snake?
How about a pet insect?
Would you have a mouse as a pet? how about a rat? fish? gerbils? birds?
Would you prefer papered animals that you could sell?
How do you feel about animals from shelters?
How do you feel about horses? Cows?
Would you live on a farm?
Are you Vegetarian?
Are you Vegan?
Are you Pescatarian?
Are you some other variation of an ism that deals with what you will and will not eat?
Do you know what any of these thing really are?
Do you actually like tofu?
What are your feelings on Milk?
Do you prefer whole milk or skim milk?
Do you prefer goat's milk or cow's milk?
What are your feelings about Rice Milk? Soy Milk? Almond Milk?
What about powdered milk? and Evaporated Milk
Would you raise chickens for the eggs?
Could you eat those chickens?
Would you own your own goats (for the milk)?
Would you eat them?
Are you in favor of or against eating fish?
Are you in favor of or against eating Beef?
Are you in favor of or against eating Ham?
Are you in favor of or against eating Bacon?
Are you in favor of or against other pork products?
Are you in favor of or against eating Turkey?
Are you in favor of or against eating game birds?
Are you in favor of or against eating Large game (like deer or elk)?
Are you in favor of or against lamb/ Mutton etc.?
Are you a hunter?
How do you feel about hunting?
What if you spouse wants to?
What if you need food?
What if you spouse likes hunting shows?
How do you feel about fishing?
How do you feel about seafood?
Raw seafood?
Caviar? Escargot?
Would you kill an insect if it bugged you?
Would you kill larger animals if they bugged you?
What if an insect stung/ bit you would you kill it?
Would you use what you kill?
How much of it would you use?


Emily said...

I like this post. Not that I don't like the other one, because I do, I just like this one too. Just light but good questions. I also think its funny that though it starts out as an animal post, it still ends up on the subject of food. But I guess a lot of food is animals or animal products right. And, yucky you had to bring up SPIDERS didn't you.

Cardine said...

Since I'm from here, I would also bring up prairie dogs.

Also, I didn't realize that I cared about people's answers to these questions as much as I do. I really think I am getting pickier.